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Career Opportunities in App Development

"Today, the App Industry is creating jobs in every part of world, employing hundreds of thousands of IT workers today and even more in the years to come,"

"App industry " is still in the early stages of a boom driven by the mobile computing and social networking boom unleashed by Apple Inc's iPhone and Android Operating system.

Career Opportunities 

Those looking for a job in today's economy might just want to consider getting into the app field. There are plenty of  app-related jobs , up from zero in 2007, when the iPhone was introduced. There are promising career opportunities in apps - the services and tools built to run on smartphones, tablets and Facebook's online social network. The demand for applications for everything ranging from games to quantum physics has created jobs since 2007

Apps and Global Recession

Apps makers were adding jobs even when the overall US unemployment rate is high , it can extend a gradual recovery from the Great Recession. Government labor statistics don't yet track jobs focused on apps, partly because the market is still relatively new.

App Industry 

The app Industry  began to percolate in 2007 - the year that Apple introduced the iPhone and Facebook turned its website into a platform for other programs designed for its rapidly growing audience.

Today, there are more than 500,000 apps available for the iPhone , Android and Apple's iPad tablet. Some are given away for free in an attempt to make money from ads. Others are sold by young and old entrepreneurs, as well as major companies.

As its audience has grown from about 58 million users in 2007 to 900million today, Facebook has become perhaps the most successful apps company . .

Every apps programming job creates another position in other non-technical areas such as sales, marketing, human resources and other administrative divisions. 

Advantages of Apps Industries

It' doesn't require big factories, close proximity to railroads and highways or even other technology hubs. All that is really required,  is a good idea and online access. Every business owner is looking for his own app in smart phones


  1. Security issues in apps
  2. Making money from Apps
  3. Growth of mobile advertising

Future of Apps

The seeds for even more job growth have been planted by a proliferation of other mobile devices designed to run on operating systems made by Google Inc, Research in Motion Ltd. and Microsoft Corp. More apps are likely to be coming into homes as more TVs and appliances, including refrigerators and washing machines, are wired for Internet access.

This is one part of the economy that is actually expanding and hiring. 


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