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Showing posts from February 10, 2013

Patents Registered for Next Generations

Here I analyse some interesting technology patents which registered by the tech giants , Of course there is no reason to sound the alarms just yet, as technologies described in patents often don’t see the light of day. Google Patents Photo-capturing Walking Stick Google has got its new invention, a walking stick that takes pictures whenever it hits the ground .According to the patent text, the stick has a sensor that provides location info about the users position. According to Geekwire, a patent application sketch shows the camera mounted on top of the stick; there are also multiple location sensors, a battery and a processing system in the middle and at the bottom there is a switch. The patent has also been extended to stick-like objects such as a cane, a crutch, a monopod, a trekking pole, a rod or a staff Google Patents Background  Noise Recognition Google  is looking to patent a technology that can analyze the background noise during mobile phone ca...