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Patents Registered for Next Generations

Here I analyse some interesting technology patents which registered by the tech giants , Of course there is no reason to sound the alarms just yet, as technologies described in patents often don’t see the light of day.

Google Patents Photo-capturing Walking Stick

Google has got its new invention, a walking stick that takes pictures whenever it hits the ground .According to the patent text, the stick has a sensor that provides location info about the users position.

According to Geekwire, a patent application sketch shows the camera mounted on top of the stick; there are also multiple location sensors, a battery and a processing system in the middle and at the bottom there is a switch. The patent has also been extended to stick-like objects such as a cane, a crutch, a monopod, a trekking pole, a rod or a staff

Google Patents Background  Noise Recognition

Google  is looking to patent a technology that can analyze the background noise during mobile phone calls and then serve up advertisements based on the environmental conditions Google hears. In short, “we are going to listen to your phone calls to make money.”

One example of Google’s proposed technology would recognize the background noise made by rain when a user makes a phone call in inclement weather, and then serve an advertisement for umbrellas. In addition, the system might also analyze background noise while users take photos and videos to serve up similar targeted ads.

Google Patents Social Media

Google patents software that would help people better manage their social media
presence by posting on the user's behalf. The software slowly learns how one reacts on social networks and can mimic their usual personal responses to updates and messages from friends and relations to help cope with the daily social media updates. It is often difficult for users to keep up with and reply to all the messages they are receiving and the software is intended to help them manage the data.

In the patent, Google envisions a sophisticated system that collects information about all the different social networks someone has joined and tracks what and how they respond to different types of messages, notifications, status changes, videos, images and links sent to them.

The report said that instead of writing every response individually or clicking buttons to 'like' or forward messages, the software would generate suggested responses which a person could simply agree to be posted on their behalf.

Please watch this space for more interesting technological patents
Apple Patents Head-Mounted Display

There have long been rumors that Apple is working on its own virtual reality goggles, and now we have proof: A lengthy, image-soaked head-mounted display patent was awarded to the Cupertino company earlier this month.
Apple's head-mounted display (HMD) looks a fair bit like how the Oculus Rift headset is supposed to look like when the company updates its boxy design to a sexier, ski-goggle-like look. Unlike Oculus' headset, though, Apple's HMD is built to connect to standard consumer electronic devices like your iPod .


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