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Showing posts from July 28, 2013

Case study - Impact of Forecast in Business

How a qualitative Forecast will effect today's Business ? The forecasts by  influential research firms will have a deeper impact on today's business environment. Here I analyse some recent cases . I don't know more about the methodology they are used ,but  it is not just trend forecasting alone. Case Study 1: Indian Coffee price fall due to forecast Forecast of better crop harvest in foreign countries spreads a negative sentiments in Indian Coffee markets .The forecast of massive harvest from Brazil, Colombia and Vietnam are negatively impacting the Indian coffee prices .Forecast for an improved crop in Colombia and big crop being harvested in Vietnam next month has resulted in the drop in prices .  Buyers are thinking that coffee will be cheaper in near future due to huge crop availability .  The slowdown in demand from the major buyers has resulted in the decline in prices . Case study 2 :  Effect of IDC forecast  ...

Brainstorming Ideas to Promote a Boutique

Owning a boutique is much easier when compared to a retail market which can be very competitive. You must have an effective marketing plan along with good product selection and store location to attract and retain customers. The business, products and services of a boutique are usually appealed to a smaller subset of people. But it is generally misunderstood to be shops with high priced items that cater only the wealthier section. They are destination shops for narrow specialties. As in early days of clothing business , "Build it and they will come!" but in reality, this is far from the truth  .Unless you have prime real location  and brand image , simply opening a Boutique does not guarantee business. By getting the word out about a particular Boutique, the customer will become more aware of it and will be more likely to visit it.  You must find different ways to attract your customers and appeal to their needs and wants. In this post ,I focus on effective wa...