Owning a boutique is much easier when compared to a retail market which can be very competitive. You must have an effective marketing plan along with good product selection and store location to attract and retain customers. The business, products and services of a boutique are usually appealed to a smaller subset of people. But it is generally misunderstood to be shops with high priced items that cater only the wealthier section. They are destination shops for narrow specialties.
As in early days of clothing business , "Build it and they will come!" but in reality, this is far from the truth .Unless you have prime real location and brand image , simply opening a Boutique does not guarantee business. By getting the word out about a particular Boutique, the customer will become more aware of it and will be more likely to visit it.
You must find different ways to attract your customers and appeal to their needs and wants. In this post ,I focus on effective ways to promote a Boutique to get the customer interested.
The potential market for any boutique is extremely high as they are places that everyone visits at some time or the other.
There are many types of marketing activities and marketing materials to choose from to have a successful, lucrative boutique. Some ways by which boutique retailers can increase the attention they get from the public at large are discussed here .
Idea 1 : Weekly sales on select items. Understand that it's not about your profit margin per item, it's about your profit margin per order! You can break even on the sale items but there's a chance the customer is going to buy something else that they wouldn't have. Sales push customers to buy, and you want to make sure that they're buying from YOUR store!
Idea 2: Create In-Store Events - Brainstorm ideas for events you can have at your store. For example, clothing drive can be arranged for people to donate their clothes to charity. Customers remember such things, and you will always be there in their minds when they're looking to shop for clothes.
Idea 3: Free Gifts - Give away something with your name on it, everybody loves a gift ! Calendars are a good idea, imagine having your store name posted on your customer's walls for a whole year!
Idea 4 : Unique shopping bags - Promote your store with unique shopping bags! Come up with an interesting design or eco friendly material or use a unique color for your shopping bags so everybody knows where your customers just came from!
Idea 5 : Mailing Lists / Newsletters - Get people's email addresses and send out periodic newsletters with specials, promotions, or announcement. Let your customers know what's going on in your store -- maybe next time they see it, they might come in to check. Since the newsletter goes out to a large number of people, potential customers see new opportunities they may have missed.
Idea 6: Create Out -Store Events - For example, have fashion shows in local community halls showcasing your store's clothes. These shows are a popular way to show off what a store has to offer. By holding a fashion show, and publicizing it, people will attend the show and hear more about your store. To get even more customer involvement, hold local tryouts for the models or recruit local "celebrities" such as television news personalities, city officials or teachers. This will bring people into the store for weeks before the show even begins as they come in for their fittings.
Idea 7 :Sponsor a local sports team Jersey. The team will appreciate the sponsorship and every member will be aware of the store. The uniforms will have the store's name on the back as well, making the fans more aware of the store.
Idea 8 :Start a Social Media Profile . Social media profiles helps to connect directly with the customers and give them discount coupons, announcements of new inventory and other material that will promote the store.
Idea 9: Create a web site. Start a website to display your collection . Add it to local directories that will promote the store anytime anyone searches for local clothing stores. Keep the site updated to include any sales or exclusive items. Put a map on the site to make it easier for customers to find you.
You have to put in the time and promote your boutique (or any business for that matter) if you want to see it succeed. Nothing comes without working for it, but also keep in mind that you have to have a good product line to sell. You can promote all you want, but if the clothes you're selling are not what your customers are looking for, it's a wasted effort. Not every idea listed above will work for every Boutique, but it certainly doesn't hurt to try!
For more brainstorming ideas to promote Boutiques ,Please contact me over 9846924006 .You can read my suggestions here .You can comment your suggestions , ideas and concepts .The best ideas will get a cash price of Rs 1000/-
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