We always use the word 'reputed' in general conversations ,"reputed college", " reputed brand" , "reputed personality " etc. But in this technology -driven era ,digital reputation is trending to become a capital asset.
Significance of Social Reputation Management
In fact the reputation management has been rapidly growing for some time now. Before we going watch a movie or buy a mobile , we read online reviews , to make sure they’re worth buying. But today we influenced by reviews and opinions of our social media friends and followers , our decisions are influenced by opinion leaders in social media.
Social proof is the measure of our worth based on quantity and quality of social media followers. when thousands or millions of people use social media to say a product the best, it become viral !!!
Personal Reputation in Professional Growth
If you are applying for marketing job ,the HR managers check out your social profiles before giving you an offer letter and see too few Facebook or Twitter followers? You must not be very important or influential then there a chance to reject your application. Or you are applying for technical post and not posting professional content on LinkedIn, You must not be much of an authority. Such assumptions are already being made by employers, and our digital and social footprints gaining more importance. Increasingly, you will become inseparable from your identity and your social reputation.
Future Challenges and Opportunities in Business
Interesting fact is no brand can ever satisfy every single customer. Those who are not satisfied is going to complaining on social networks . If you’re a business owner, how do you respond to those complaints? Today this problem is addressed by a social media manager, a college pass-out with little experience , who create contents and graphic for the social media posts , which is mainly for getting more 'Likes' and followers . This trend is going to change, companies will recognize importance of the social reputation and it will be a job of upper-level position .
Now think about #boycottKalyan campaign in social media, such social media campaign will going to be the worst PR nightmare, which generate a huge number of public/social opinion against Kalyan Silks . This can be happens to any brand .
How your social media team going to manage such situation ? Will you be proactive and get ahead of the conversation, or will you wait until your company makes the “top 10” list of trending hashtags? Do you have a social media plan for such situation?
The bottom line is, your company’s social reputation will increasingly be so important that you could consider it a capital asset, and you’ll need to treat it as such. Your digital reputation should not be in hands of bunch of freshers. This will opens up a world of opportunity in businesses related to creating, preserving, enhancing, and even repairing digital profiles.
How to measure your social reputation score ?
https://klout.com/corp/score -provides our reputation score rank in social media , Check your individual klout score .(I got 51)
Case study of IIT Madras
Presence in social media is necessary . Where you stand in social media ,it should be part of your strategy and work for long term results. Find out who your competitors and their advantages.
IIT Madras is analysed the following details, How you differentiate your program , computational facilities , canteen food ,hostel facilities , diversity ,campus life ,research experience ,placement records etc .... They planned social media strategies for attracting the top students to IIT Madras by identifying and improving the key factor s which students used to value each institute .
Main outcome of that study is "Demands and requirements of students should be heard, other wise social reputation or public image will going to diminish ".
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