Deep learning is getting popular with the data scientists. Here, Im sharing my first-hand experience with the TensorFlow and Theano. It was started to help the MTech Students from MG university. All Credits to goes to Noufal Salim who helped me to understand the configuration of different python deep learning environments. Let us explore deep learning !!! Before starting the installation guide, let us familiar with the technical terms and tools. Anaconda is the leading open data science platform powered by Python Keras is an open source neural network library written in Python TensorFlow is an open source software library for machine learning developed by Google Theano is a numerical computation library for Python Configuration Prerequisite: Python 2.7 , 64Bit Step 1 : Download Anaconda 64 bit installer for Python 2.7 from continuum website - Link Step 2 : Bash Anaconda - Goto correspon...
We always use the word 'reputed' in general conversations ,"reputed college", " reputed brand" , "reputed personality " etc. But in this technology -driven era ,digital reputation is trending to become a capital asset . Significance of Social Reputation Management In fact the reputation management has been rapidly growing for some time now. Before we going watch a movie or buy a mobile , we read online reviews , to make sure they’re worth buying. But today we influenced by reviews and opinions of our social media friends and followers , our decisions are influenced by opinion leaders in social media. Social proof is the measure of our worth based on quantity and quality of social media followers. when thousands or millions of people use social media to say a product the best, it become viral !!! Personal Reputation in Professional Growth If you are applying for marketing job ,the HR managers check out you...